Thursday, October 15, 2009

The 5 hottest Family singers contest/poll or whatever you wanna call it.

1 Benedicte Verger Ross
2 Agnes Verger
3 Niki Rudow
4 Crytal Lily Begley
5 Haven Sutton

OK, I'm gonna post who I think are the five HOTTEST Family singers (that means girls by the way).
But WAIT -I decided I need YOUR help to decide WHO gets the billing. So, write in the comment box who YOU think are the five hottest female Family singers & influence my decision. Do it NOW -tomorrow may be TOO LATE!


Francisco Zaldivar said...

ok here's mine:

1)Metanoya Twins
2)Heart (Jaz's sister)
3)Niki Rudow
4)Julie Greeneyes

PeterPeter said...

Hey Neo, off topic, but could you get in touch with me?
My email is
You'll be interested, trust me.

Me said...

considering i only know what a few female singers look like, i don't think it'd be fully fair to "vote"...but i'd say that since beginning to now, one of those top three would be crystal lily. hands down.
that is one hot mama!

Unknown said...

your email doesn't work PeterPeter.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's the choice from the dude who turns 62 next month, and grew up on "You Gotta Be A Baby..." and other oldie goldies:

1) Florence the Voice
2) The Metanoya Ladies
3) Joanie Vas' Lass
4) Haven Ms Heavenly
5) Esther Wildwind Soul Sister

I'm wondering how many responses you're gonna get here.

Where can I find Crystal Lily - if she's as hot as Sam's Anna says (who said it? Sam or Anna?), I just might change my mind. BTW, how does Crystal look?

Rock on, dude,

that FGA still around the house

Me said...

Crystal Lily, or "Cryssy" (not sure how that's spelt), is Francesco Paladino's wife and is a flaming hot mother at least 5 little'uns. gotta put Quiti up there also.

Unknown said...

Picture of Crystal Lily:

PeterPeter said...
It works, I promise

Paul said...

I'll try again.

Anonymous said...

Cryssy, Niki Rudow, and the Metanoya Babes are definitely the hottest family singers!

Drakeot said...

Metanoya Rocks!!! Crystal Lily too and Haven! Er... I don't know about hotness, but I do know whose music I like best.
PS: Metanoya definitely goes at the top, and I would put Agnes first, although it is debateable even in my own mind...hmmm...I guess Crystal Lily would come don't know.

Drakeot said...

Put Joanie there too.
Goodness, this is not exactly my forte!

Paul said...

Yet you do have a lot to say :D