Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LET THE DEAD............bury thier dead.

Total awesomeness. The 1st ever Family heavy metal band that actually performs together!



Anonymous said...

That actually performs together??? Don't know what you mean by that. Doesn't Metanoya perform together, and some of the other bands? Anyway, these boys are Fan-Awesome-Tas-Tic!!! Although the vocals sound a bit like Death Metal, they're still very dynamic.

- A First Generation Audiofreak!!!

Paul said...

It's the fist METAL band that performs together. Metanoya plays Gothic/Mystic rock.

There are currently 4 Family metal bands (WhiskeyFist, HellRazer, Nude Productions, Let The Dead) but only Let The Dead actually performs publicly.

Anonymous said...

Now, why didn't I think of that: they are the first METAL band!!! Duh! Could it be true what my wife says: I have two brains - one's lost and the other is out looking for him?!?!? Thanks also for clueing me in on what's what. I was wondering what kind of music Metanoya is into.

- the oldie

Patrick O'Connor said...

woohoo! more metal, love the vocals! and um... nice mustaches

Paul said...

Har har. Yeah I love these guys!

Drakeot said...

er...yeah...nice mustaches. They all look quite freaky actually. Who's Jason?...Oh, he's the guy from DEO, right?

Paul said...

No he was never one DEO -this Jason is different.