Thursday, January 7, 2010

Loose Change 9/11

Probably the best documentary ever made. I would highly recomend that everyone watches it. The truth about what really happened on September 11, 2001 is finally coming out. There are 2 documentaries that you need to see "Loose Change 2nd Edition" and "Loose Change: An American Coup". You will never see things the same again.

Other documentaries of similar style, exposing the ACs, are:
-and one of of the most important "Creation Science" by Dr Kent Hovind.
If you can't buy'm, download'm! Torrents rule!

"It can be useful for the Family to watch a documentary like this in order for My children to avoid being duped by the media, though in general the Family already mistrusts the media far more than the average person does. This is something that has been instilled in you by your Father David, and although there are some in the Family who have rebelled against that or are simply dulled to the media, they are in the minority." -Jesus, END 80


joe said...

END 80, page 10

Neo said...

Duh! I wrote this just in case some people haven't seen it.

Neo said...

Also, you'll notice that the Lord NEVER reveals secrets about historical misteries. Whether about the Kennedy assasination or Y2K, He just doesn't tell us. You gotta dig it up on your own.

Anonymous said...

It says there not to watch it..

Anonymous said...

Easily I assent to but I contemplate the post should prepare more info then it has.

Paul said...

Read it again. It says not to if you're gonna run around telleing conspiracy theories while witnessing.
Also, that what written when only the first edition was made, which had a lot of inconsistancies.

Drakeot said...

Some of these documentaries are okay, but others are a bunch of hot air. Sounds often like just one political party against the other. Definitely not gospel truths, but okay...I guess. The important thing to know is that we're living in the Endtime and that the last days are upon us the rest...never mind! GB Neo!

Anonymous said...
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halftome said...

Hi neo, I would really need the song STEM - Growing up (Heavenly Music) The link on your heavenly music section was broken. Please I need a link. I checked on theglitch but all i got was all the other songs on the album except this one. Its amazing how the download link to all the songs work except this one. Anyway, is there at all a catalouge of the Glitch somewhere, where i can view all of the songs existing on the glitch and download it. Not have to go through randomly flipping through them on the radio? Please if someone knows the site better than I do I would appreciate your help. And btw, awesome work with the blog. Keep up the good work Neo.

Anonymous said...

Hey Neo, you should see the documentary Food Inc. It was a real eye opener. I think you would like it. It was nominated for 2009 best documentaries

Paul said...

All the Stem Albums are on NuBeat

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that it is possible for someone who lives in a modern society to actually believe in anything Hovind says. Why must you remain ignorant? It truly is a sad thing.

Anonymous said...

One could say the same about you, but the other way around.

Anonymous said...

what a dork do you seriously believe ur neo??? get a life already