Friday, March 27, 2009

Vote For Metanoya!

Follow that link & vote for The Metanoya to play at large music festival. Only one out of five bands will win. A vote for Metanoya is a vote for Christ!


Rosalie said...

So, did they get to play at the festival?

Paul said...

Not sure -I'll ask the band.

Anonymous said...

so If I don't for them that makes me a satanist?:P kiddin

Paul said...

Ha ha ha! Very funny! No if you don't vote for them then you vote "not for Christ" -but that doesn't make you all the way on the other side -yet!

Just Kidding!

Drakeot said...

A vote for Metanoya definitely is a vote for Christ. I'll add here an excerpt of one of Godfrey's songs: Watch for the dark side! Ha, ha!
Jes Kiddin & Jes Joken

Paul said...

Nice one Drake.

Drakeot said...

To Anonymous: You're either for us or against us, :p

Paul said...


Drakeot said...

Wait a minute, where's Peter, and who's the guy in the back. Sorry for being ignorant.

ryan said...

we r of the same mind, brother, where is Peter??? hes the main one i look for

ryan said...

where wuz this festival, btw?

Drakeot said...

Hello? Neo!

Drakeot said...

Hello? Neo!

Unknown said...

Hi -I've been sick!

Peter is no longer with the band. The "new guy" is Nic -another brother- goes by the name of LePiou on the FMF.

Drakeot said...

Ah, ha! So what does Le Piou do? Electric guitar?

Claire said...

So, I'm guessing that they didn't play, since you're so hesitant to let us know the result ...

Neo said...

They never told me!

Anonymous said...

So Neo, when is your next MTV coming out? It's been SO long!

Paul said...

When I can get the time to make one -I have sevearal planned, none it the works --yet!

Drakeot said...


Paul said...

Ha ha Drakeot! I just made Sink or Swim like last month!