Now, I know, in all likelihood no one actually reads this blog, or goes on it, or anything -but just in case somebody does stumble upon it at some point, I thought they might be interested to know about my musical journey that made me into the Family Music freak I am today. I'll be going through all the officially released albums (FTT/TCD, LJ, NF, DC, MB etc), telling a little about my first impressions of them when they were released and how I view them now. Hope you enjoy -let the finger-pointing-while-laughing begin!
FTT 01 -Hearts Aflame.
I remember when this was released it was the first modern, produced by young people tape that had come since the DC album "Back on Track". Naturally it took the young people by storm. But sadly, it didn't take me. Actually I hated this album for years. No, not because the songs were bad -but because of the music videos that were released around the same time. What happened was that on happy Family Day, we went hiking in the mountains & then we swam in a man-made reservoir to cool off. I was 7 or 8 years old and I couldn't swim! The consequence was that I nearly drowned because of the steep slope of the reservoir. If my older brother hadn't stopped playing with his buddies and rescued me at the last minute I would not be here today (Thank you Petrus!) After that, we went home & lo & behold, Burn Free 2 was to be played for the home that night. Problem? Yep, watch it! Almost every song had some part filmed by the sea or a large body of water. (The Wave!!) AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH. Not what I wanted to see after nearly filling my lungs with the liquid! Hence I couldn't hear that tape with drowning coming back to haunt me! I only started liking that tape after about the age of 16, when I started broadening my musical tastes & thinking music videos in earnest. Nowadays, "The Wave" is a song I like quite a lot. There are now several songs I think are/were pretty good on that original FTT. Songs like "Hearts Aflame", "The Antenna", "God's Explosions" & "If I Never Saw Your Face." I still don't like Burn Free 2, bad memories (not to mentions hairdos), ha.
FTT 02 -Flying High.
I remember hearing a conversation between my Dad & a VS about the new tapes. The VS was telling Dad that there were 2 new ones (Flying High & Hot or Cold) that he would like to play for the home. He did, but I wasn't invited. (too young) I remember that my Mom bought a copy of this tape for my big brother, and that I was envious of his "personal"copy. I later found out that he didn't like the FTT, ha. I remember liking this one a lot -especially "Psychic Waste" & "Johnny's Shoes". I am also irritated to remember that certain a female teenager (Yes, if you're reading this Stephanie, I'm talking about YOU) would play "Run to You" over, & over, & over again! Nowadays, the only songs I really like from that album are "Heaven Beyond Tomorrow"& "Flying High".
FTT 03 -Hot or Cold.
I have little memory of this tape at its release, besides the song the album is named after, as I think it may have been more of a "headphones tape". Though i do remember hearing a LOT of the old-style RAP songs, which drove the FGA's nuts! A year or two later, my brother JP & I and two other friends all got really into music -we wanted to start a BAND! (Yeah, a group 9-12 year olds! Whoohoo) The guitar works on this tape -especially the still-awesome songs of "Safe in the Arms", "All Hail to the Queen, & "Win the World Together" were often played by my aspiring guitarist brother. Now I add "The Cathars" to that list of great songs from this album.
FTT 04 -Plugged In.
Yep, and the first song on that tape "Tap Into The Power", was memorised & sung by all young OC & Jett rappers. "They Got The Money" was an immediate hit, and still is a very awesome song! At it's release, I was a big fan of "Space City Park" especially the treat-with-the-girls part. Times change, ha. Both of Sylvia's songs ("Jesus, Loving Jesus" & "A Hug & Touch") were always deeply loved by me. And this album would not be complete with out the eternal, all-time hit, first Francesco number "Til the End of Time"! Embarrassingly enough, JP & I actually recorded our own version of that song. Him playing guitar (Did I mention he wanted to be Makoto Nobuka?) & me singing -with all the correct vocal intonations, yet TOTALLY off-key! I pray that recording is at the bottom of the ocean or destroyed by atomic weapons! "Mystery Babylon" & "Your Love Takes Me Higher" are now also loved by me.
FTT 05 -In It Together.
Revolution for Jesus & Godfrey's 1st song! Forever a hit & forever hated by the adults, ha! Once again, Sylvia sang her way into my heart & made me love her. There weren't/aren't too many other ones that I particularly love from there except "When Heaven's on My Mind", though there are quite a few others that I do like. I do not remember the release of this tape at all.
To Be Continued...........
Let The Dead
14 years ago
What great history Neo:D
Actually contrary to what you said, I find it quite interesting, not ridiculous! I was thinking of doing something like this a few days ago, but I have no blog. Those old ftt's are pretty cool to listen to, and yes some of them are still hits(albeit not that many:P).
Does your grudge against h20 still affect you? A song like "These Cries" for instance, does it make you think of your little incident?
Well, cool idea dude! I'll check again..
Ha ha ha, no the H2O thing does not affect me in the slightest anymore, otherwise I would have never put Sam drowing in my "I Choose to Stand" music video, ha ha.
Glad you enjoyed it, prepare for many more instalments.
Great, great post. Enjoyable read and a good recollection and recap of a time that will soon be (2009 already!)...gulp, vintage--'Book of Remembrance'-style! Can you open the floor for readers to add any facts, figures, and/or dates they remember and add it to this nice historical piece?
Come to think of should be a Family Music Historian" or Family Historian of Music (FHM :P )as a least from the era you grew up in. Make sure to keep this little piece saved for posterity, the time when your children will ask, "What's an FTT/TCD?"
...and the Revolution goes on!:)
Cheers dude!
Love it Neo! Really interesting. A question, is the Stephanie you mentioned Steff of Tom (aka Reuben)??
Anonymous 1:
Ha ha. Yeah this stuff is old now. 1996 was the year that the first 1-6 FTTs, & the first LJ tape came out. That's 13 years ago! I dunno if I'm qualified for that title, I was very young when the early beginnings took place. It would need to be someone was at least 14 in 1996 to really remember. Oh, the floor is open in the comment boxes to add whatever you recall. That would be interesting for me as well.
Anonymous 2:
Yep, that's her! (luv ya Steff)
I think that Sylvia Listen was the best singer/songwriter of the FTT era. Everyone of her songs is a classic...Whatever happened to her does anybody know?
I know. She was in the Philipines for awile. The Stoney Creek band tried to get her to record again but it didn't work out. I don't know where she is today.
ha well that's just rich! she still does that sort of thing...i sometimes walk around with earplugs when she gets "inspired" by a certain song :p
Hahahahaha! Well, now her tastes are quite improved -as is Family music as a whole.
I haven't gotten through all the FTT entries yet. Gimme time.
Okay, point number one: I check on this blog lots, and I ain't the only one, so don't think nobody tunes into it - you can retract your red letter italics, Neo! Point number two: I was around when we made the first songbook at TSC (Music That Made the Revolution). Why did I say that? I have no idea - must be my old age kicking in and living in the past. Anyway, Point number three: Family music rocks my socks. Point number four: Duhhhh, but what does FTT stand for. I'm probably gonna figure that one out after I post this and feel like a fossilized idiot. But, then again, God can use anybody, eh? Keep rockin' Neo! Ace, Boon, Cool! (old 60's expression)
That FGA again!!!
Ha ha! You are the FGA who know exactly how to make my day. I love your comments!
FTT stands for = Fast Teen Tapes.
Correction = Family Teen Tapes
Thanks, Neo.
- FGA gives ya five!
Whoops! How could I have made that mistake! I must be gettiing....uhhh..old?
Yeah, getting old and typing things!
Oh yeah Neo I agree with the FGA guy (he is way cool by the way): take away your red statement.
Naa -it needs to be there -just so people will feel sorry for me & read it!
Bah humbug!
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