144. (Jesus:) I will ask you a question: In the days of old, didn't I instruct My children to build a temple? Didn't I instruct My children to burn sacrifices to Me, to slaughter the beasts, to burn them? Wasn't it part of their worship and praise and atonement? And didn't the heathen also have temples and have sacrifice and have worship to their gods?
145. Though these actions, these motions, were similar, weren't they also different in spirit? For some worshipped Me, and the others worshipped false gods, gods that were not gods. Didn't priests of both do the same thing? Didn't My priests slaughter the beasts and offer them up to Me for My people, and didn't their priests slaughter the beasts and offer them up unto their gods? These things are very much the same, but some of it was Godly and the other was ungodly.
146. I make this parallel to show you that at times the action can be the same, but the spirit is not the same; that there can be two actions that look the same, but one will be unto God and the other unto Satan, the god of this world. So it is with this music, for when My children, My priests, play and sing unto Me, even if there is a similar sound to that music which worships the gods of this world, even though they seem and sound so similar, as the two temples seemed so similar, yet they are so different.
147. What made it different? They did the same actions, they went through the same motions. The difference was that My people worshipped Me, the true God. Because they obeyed Me and because their hearts were pure, these actions were actions unto God. So when My children play music unto Me with pure hearts, and they are My children who obey and listen to Me, then this music is as praise to Me.
148. But understand that there is a difference between the music that has a message in the words, and the music that is the message, that has no words. The music that has the message in the words is a vehicle for the message of the words. The music carries the message into the hearts and the minds of man. It is a powerful vehicle for delivering the message. With this vehicle, the vehicle is not so important because the message is contained in the words. When the words uplift Me and praise Me, when they bring forth My Message, this will be what is understood and received in the hearts and minds of men.
149. The music will take it there, and once there, it will go 'round and 'round. It will be heard over and over in the mind and in the heart, and it shall settle there, and what settles there is the words and the message and the simple tune. For when you think of any song, no matter what the vehicle, and you think about it in your mind and heart, you remember the words and the simple tune. The vehicle transported it there, but you don't always remember all the instruments, you simply remember the message and simple tune. So do not be afraid to send the message on an elaborate vehicle, on a vehicle that is acceptable and is welcome and is desired, for in the end, what is remembered is the message.
150. But the music without the words is the message and, as your David has said, some is Godly and some is not. If a Godly person plays music that is ungodly, the message of that music remains ungodly, for the music is the message. If an ungodly one plays music that is Godly, it remains Godly, for the music is the message.
151. Haven't I promised that I would pour out upon you the music that would reach the hearts of your young ones? Haven't I said that there is a multitude Here who wish to inspire this music and these words? It is Here! Spread the message that it is Here, and it will be given! If these will come before Me and cry out to Me, I will give it, that they may have all their needs supplied. I will give them music that will be for them and that will reach their hearts, that will encourage their souls, that will speak their thoughts, that will express their needs, that will explain their feelings and that will inspire them to serve Me, to come to Me and to march to the tune that I play for them, as they march towards the End!
152. Do not hold them back and do not be afraid, for they are My children, raised from their youth with My Words! If they will now seek Me, I will give them blessings, and I will bless them with the sounds of Heaven! (End of prophecy.)
153. Isn't it fascinating to see how the Lord answered our question? He drew that parallel between the temple sacrifices that His children made and the very similar ones that the Devil's children made. He said that though they seemed to be doing the same thing, that the Spirit was different. He said that two actions can look the same, but one can be good, because it is done as unto the Lord, and the other will be bad, because it is done unto Satan.
154. What He is saying in answer to our question is that, yes, we can produce music which sounds similar to the System! This is because we have Godly lyrics and are doing it as unto the Lord! The Godly message is the important thing, and the music is just a vehicle! Even if the music is somewhat on the wild side, if the message is solidly Family, and is Word or Word-based, it won't matter, as the music will simply be a vehicle to get the message into the hearts of the listeners.
155. On the other hand, He said that with instrumental music, the music itself is the message. It's like classical music which doesn't have words. Some of it is beautiful music inspired by God, and whether a Godly person or an ungodly person plays it, it will still remain Godly. In other words, the message of the music, even though it doesn't have words, will be Godly. If the music is ungodly, it doesn't matter who plays it, Godly or ungodly, because the message of the ungodly music is ungodly.
160. So you see, with music that doesn't have words, the music is the message, but with music that does have words, the words themselves are the message, so the music is less important. So, my dear young people, let's write songs that have the message of God, the message for the youth of today, the message for our Family youth as well. We want teen music for our teens! Can you do it? You can if you pray! The Lord says the songs are there for the asking; all you have to do is to tune in and receive them. Will you? The Lord says if you will, He will "supply all your need for music".
(New Music for a New Day! [#3022])
Let The Dead
14 years ago
Sweetly spoken! I love it! Yaiii!!! Go Neo, go go Neo! On fire, on fire, radical Neo! :D:D:D:D
Great post man, Thanks for being the voice!!! Exactly right on.
TYJ man!
It's only Jesus! He's da man!
Keep rockin', dude. I'm so freakin' glad I found you and your sites. God bless, and k-eeeeeeeep you true, faithful and Offensive on all fronts.
-- that FGA again!
God Bless You too -and thank you.
KGFG man, the world needs to hear this and some Family Members need to be reminded about it too.
We've got to help the Family get over the weight of System music and you'll be probably almost the biggest part of it, by giving our people the alternative, GBY! Loads of us are in your debt!
If I have helped anyone -it's only Jesus. I am nothing.
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